Get ready for the arrival of records. When your W-2s, investment statements and other tax-related documents start coming in, create a collection point and put them there. It could be as simple as a large envelope. You might have received a few documents in December, but most will arrive throughout January. Just make sure that whenever the material shows up you put it all together in an accessible place, so when you are ready to fill out your return you have all the data you need. Remember, the IRS gets a copy of most of these, too, so figures on those statements are critical to ensuring your return sails through the system.
Tax Tips
While the tax filing deadline is more than three months away, it always seems to be here before you know it. Here are some tips that will help your tax filing process run smoother than ever this year.
- Start gathering your records Round up any documents or forms you’ll need when filing your taxes: receipts, canceled checks and other documents that support an item of income or a deduction you’re taking on your return.
- Be on the lookout W-2s and 1099s will be coming soon from your employer; you’ll need these to file your tax return.
- Try e-file If you use direct deposit, you will get your refund in about half the time it takes when you file a paper return. E-file is now the way the majority of returns are filed. In fact, last year, 2 out of 3 taxpayers used e-file
- Don’t panic! If you run into a problem, remember that I am here to help.
Disclosure and Retention of Personal Information
Exact Tax Service does not disclose the personal information of its client without their consent to any outside party, except as required by law or as specifically requested by the client, e.g. in a mortgage letter to a broker looking for income verification. Exact Tax Service retains personal information for its clients after which it is destroyed unless otherwise instructed by the client, in which case it is disposed of as per the client’s instructions.
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