Tax practioner and Notary since 1980.
Serving clients all over the USA.
~~What is an enrolled agent? An enrolled agent is a person who has earned the privilege of practicing, that is, representing taxpayers, before the Internal Revenue Service. Enrolled agents, like attorneys and certified public accountants (CPAs), are unrestricted as to which taxpayers they can represent, what types of tax matters they can handle, and which IRS offices they can practice before.
(I.R.S. definition)~~
Disclosure and Retention of Personal Information

Exact Tax Service does not disclose the personal information of its client without their consent to any outside party, except as required by law or as specifically requested by the client, e.g. in a mortgage letter to a broker looking for income verification. Exact Tax Service retains personal information for its clients after which it is destroyed unless otherwise instructed by the client, in which case it is disposed of as per the client’s instructions.


Passports are not under the purview of the IRS, and generally do not involve tax administration issues. However, since 1986, U.S. passport applicants have to report certain information when they make their application. Code §6039E.

Proposed Regulations on what must be reported were issued in 1992, but never finalized. Treasury has now issued new proposed Regulations. Under these, the items to be reported are:

(1) the applicant's full name and, if applicable, previous name;

(2) address of regular or principal place of residence within the country of residence and, if different, mailing address;

(3) taxpayer identifying number (TIN); and

(4) date of birth.

provides legal justification for the gathering of reams of data on taxpayers, including marital status, business and investment activities, and asset holding that might otherwise be beyond the interest of government.

Proposed Treas. Regs. §301.6039E-1

That is why very often you must produce your tax returns when applying for a green card and later a passport.